Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime and the Era of Evangelical Scandal

Based on the advice of Boz Tchividjian I have been reading the book pictured above.  I heard him discuss this book on the Janet Mefferd radio program of 6-6-2013.  The program dealt with the sexual abuse scandal plaguing Sovereign Grace Ministries and the unwillingness of the neo-reformed leaders such as Mark Dever, Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, D.A. Carson… Read More »

Say no to the US War Machine!

This is Bilal, my barber and friend from Syria. He has a brother who was killed fighting against Assad’s forces. He has another brother who suffered a broken leg and back fighting Assad’s forces. He has a sister who lost an arm in a rocket attack by Assad’s military. Yet Bilal opposes any intervention by the USA believing… Read More »