Church Discipline – A Difficult Task?

“Looking at Jesus through the prism of Johannine values offers unique insight into the priorities of discipleship. One’s personal relationship with Christ towers over every other consideration. What establishes preeminence in the Christian community is not apostleship or ecclesiastical office, nor titles or territory, not the charismatic gifts of tongues, healing, prophecy, or inspired preaching, but only our… Read More »

Sovereign Grace Pastor Matthew Wassink Removed; Why Not C.J. Mahaney?

The Sovereign Grace Churches denominational leaders should be getting proficient at scrubbing websites of any traces of their latest fallen pastor, Lord knows they get enough practice!  I’m guessing that right about now they’re wishing they wouldn’t have fired their social media expert, Brian DeWire, a few years ago. His scrubbing skills were so finely honed that he… Read More »