Sovereign Grace Ministries – Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed

“The moment you say that any idea system is sacred, whether it’s a religious belief system or a secular ideology, the moment you declare a set of ideas to be immune from criticism, satire, derision, or contempt, freedom of thought becomes impossible.”[Defend the right to be offended (openDemocracy, 7 February 2005)]”  ― Salman Rushdie “Reason and free inquiry are the… Read More »

A Benefit of Partnership With Sovereign Grace Ministries?

“One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised.” -Chinua Achebe   Jon Payne, pastor of a Sovereign Grace Church called “Redemption Hill Church” has stated that one of the benefits of their partnership with Sovereign Grace Ministries is having John Loftness encourage the people of Redemption Hill Church. John Loftness has been… Read More »

The Parallels Between Bishop Finn and C.J. Mahaney

I assume all who are reading this have heard of the sexual abuse of children scandal which has rocked the Roman Catholic Church. Not as widely known is the sexual abuse scandal which has rocked the Sovereign Grace Ministries denomination. Some have called it the largest sexual abuse scandal to hit Evangelical Christianity.

There are many similarities between the scandals. While the actual abuse of children seems to have been perpetrated by the clergy, the top dogs in both organizations do not seem to have participated themselves, but instead are guilty of attempting to cover-up the abuse.