UPDATE 12-2-2013
Carl Trueman has hit another home run with his latest article on the Reformation 21 website. Read it here.
I am actually tiring of writing on the subject of Mark Driscoll’s plagiarizing. I would suspect that if an individual were motivated to closely examine all of the books Driscoll has authored many more cases of plagiarism would be found. What Mefferd has revealed is sufficient, in my opinion, to cause Mark Driscoll to resign from the ministry. Will this happen? Doubtful. After all, C.J. Mahaney, obviously guilty of blackmail and covering up sexual abuse in his church, is still in the ministry. The evidence against both Driscoll and Mahaney has crossed the threshold of sufficient evidence; anybody who denies this has chosen to either remain willfully ignorant of the evidence or lacks common sense.
If you would like to listen to Janet Mefferd’s latest revelation of Driscoll’s plagiarism the broadcast can be found here.
If you would like an insight into the type of pastor Mark Driscoll is I would highly recommend you listen to this broadcast on Pirate Christian Radio. The broadcast was aired back in June 2012 but I just recently was made aware of it by a comment on “The Wartburg Watch” blog. As you listen to this broadcast I would ask that you compare Mark Driscoll’s view of shepherding a church to that of Jesus Christ:
I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. (John 10:14-15)
Below is a screen shot of a really good blog post on “First Things” by Collin Garbarino. You can view the post in its entirety here.
On another note, I just came across a short book that is applicable to Mahaney, Driscoll and all their enablers. It is titled “The Problem of the Gifted Speaker” by Stephen C. Perks and can be viewed here. Below is the first paragraph from the preface:
“ONE of the serious problems facing the Church in the Western world today is the problem posed by the “ministry” of those who are considered “gifted speakers” and consequently idolised by the Church. Stated in its most simple form this is the problem posed by the prioritizing of the personality, charisma, “profile,” popularity, stage presence and ability of the speaker as an orator and entertainer over the content of the message being delivered—in short, the triumph of style over content, the consequence of which has been the creation of an intellectually feeble-minded and theologically malnourished generation of churchgoers who are over stimulated by sentimental and mindless entertainment worship masquerading as spiritual edification.”
Finally, to end on a positive note, here is a beautiful song. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Keep the faith my friends. It currently looks dark for the Church in the USA, but Christ has made the following promise in Matthew 16:18 “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”