“A world that had never seen a Christmas and never celebrated an Easter would still be a pagan world bereft of compassion for the poor, the sick, the weak, the marginalized, the victimized – the very people Jesus brings out of the shadows through his life and teaching. Jesus further establishes compassion as the way we are to relate to the weak and suffering when he makes our treatment of them the criterion for the final judgment in the parable of the sheep and goats. In that parable Jesus famously said, “as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me” (Matt. 25:40 ESV). Jesus has taught us to see the sick, the poor, the prisoner, and the stranger as his brothers… as our brothers… as Jesus himself!”
A Farewell to Mars: An Evangelical Pastor’s Journey Toward the Biblical Gospel of Peace, by Brian Zahnd
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