New Updates About Today’s Protest Against C.J. Mahaney’s Role at the T4G Conference

By | April 12, 2016

Update at 2230 Dubai Time on April 14


Christian Today is the United Kingdom’s largest online Christian news provider. They have written a good article about Mahaney and T4G.  You can find the complete article  here.

2016-04-14 Christian Today article on T4G Mahaney


Update at 2000 Dubai Time on April 14

John MacArthur sure knows how to make the boys on the front row squirm!

2016-04-14 Mac calls church to repent


James Kessler nailed it with this tweet.

2016-04-14 great tweet on T4G by James Kessler


Eric Pazdziora offered kind words of encouragement to those whom T4G has stomped on. If you have a Twitter account, look Eric up.  He is a great musician and has a nice hymn from his album that accompanies this tweet.

2016-04-14 beautiful tweet about T4G

Update at 12:51 A.M. EST on April 14

Please see an excellent article from a blog run by members of the PCA regarding the Mahaney scandal at T4G.

Update at 0730 Dubai Time, April 14

Bob Allen of Baptist News Global, has written a good account of the Mahany scandal at T4G. He said in part:

“One of the protestors, Pam Palmer of Hagerstown, Md., told local media that after her 3-year-old daughter was abused by a teenage boy who was eventually convicted, a pastor serving under Mahaney told her family not to call the police.
In introducing Mahaney at the conference, Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, praised his friend as a model of Christian endurance.”

The complete article can be read here.


Mark Ammerman, pastor of Grace Evangelical Congregational Church in Lancaster, PA wrote the following statement.  It can be found at The Wartburg Watch here.


2016-04-14 Mark Ammerman statement


Update at 2120 Dubai Time, April 13

Here is a news clip by WDRB of Louisville. Pam Palmer is interviewed outside the T4G conference.


2016-04-13 Janet Mefferd tweet

2016-04-13 Great Tweet about T4G

Update at 2050 Dubai Time, April 13

We will soon be announcing a new staff member at  Already she has been doing great work.  She was carrying the sign below outside the T4G conference yesterday and reportedly engaged in some good conversations with conference-goers.

2016-04-13 Thou Art The Man sign at T4G

Todd Pruitt, a PCA pastor and member of the Mortification of Spin podcast has written three articles this week appealing for the removal of C.J. Mahaney from his speaking duties and also from the T4G organization.  Even though the numerous appeals from many have fallen on deaf ears, we thank Mr. Pruitt for his efforts. Links to his three posts are provided below.

An Appeal to the Organizers of Together For the Gospel

A Follow-up to my Post on T4G

Do No Harm

Update at 1:20 A.M. April 13

Brent Detwiler’s Facebook page has excellent coverage about the protest and T4G in general:

Brent Detwiler’s Facebook Page

Update on 12:00 A.M. April 13

One of our articles has very high search engine placement for the term “C.J. Mahaney.” It’s getting a boatload of hits so many people must be Googling “C.J. Mahaney” to see what all the controversy is about. Amen!

Update at 5:00 P.M.


Update at 4:30 P.M. – A reader has written to us to say that the protest was a success. Specifically, she had many great conversations with people who had heard of the C.J. Mahaney controversy and were interested in learning more about it!

At least one protester had  the opportunity to speak with the press!


Original Post

Hello All, Please check this page often today as we’ll be posting new updates about the Protest at T4G.  We hope to have photos soon.

Right now, please please sign a petition asking the T4G to remove C.J Mahaney from the even immediately. The petition has almost reached its signature goal!


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