Let Me Be Your Leader
by NazarethLet me be your leader
Let me have control
The way I see it
It’s got to be right for youI could be your pilot
Through the stormy seas
The way you see it
It’s just a case of trust in meI could be your hero
I’ll be your peace of mind
The way that I see it
It’s got to be good for youI wanna be your brother
If you need a friend
The way you see it
It’s got to be right by me
The pastor of Mars Hill Church plagiarized multiple books on the way to authoring or coauthoring more than a dozen of his own. He bought his way onto the New York Times best-seller list by paying a marketing firm to buy thousands of copies of his 2011 tome Real Marriage—with $200,000 in church money. He rewrote Mars Hill’s bylaws to consolidate his power and cast out those who opposed him. He misappropriated tithing funds. He posted anonymous screeds online about a “pussified” America. He bullied staff members and proclaimed that there would one day be a “mountain” of bodies behind the metaphorical Mars Hill bus: “You either get on the bus or you get run over by the bus.”
So in light of those charges it came as no surprise when, in August, Driscoll began an extended leave of absence from the church. And it was hardly shocking when Mars Hill revealed weeks later that a precipitous drop in membership and donations would force it to cut staff by 30 to 40 percent and shutter a handful of its 15 branches. What is surprising, though, at least in retrospect, is how Driscoll grew to such prominence in Seattle.
Seattle Met, “How Mars Hill and Mark Driscoll Wooed Unchurched Seattle”
Recently John MacArthur commented on how the crass Mark Driscoll has paved the way for Evangelicals to embrace the equally crass Donald Trump.
In December 2011 Mark Driscoll was interviewed by Justin Brierley, Christian host of a podcast called “Unbelievable” produced in the UK. Driscoll was, as usual, fractious. He made light of Christianity in the UK and at one point challenged Brierley to name him one good, young celebrity Christian preacher in the UK. You can listen to the whole interview here.
Needless to say, Driscoll’s comments were not well received in the UK. Below is an audio taken from a YouTube video produced by Stephen Holland, a preacher in the UK. You can listen to his fifteen-minute response here. I have recorded Holland’s closing remarks in the audio below.
If you are wondering what visions Mark Driscoll was supposedly receiving from God watch the video below.
Below is an audio from the Mortification of Spin podcast of 8-27-2014. Carl Trueman states that Mark Driscoll was pulling a scam at Mars Hill church in Seattle. I submit that nothing has changed with Driscoll.
In the audio below Todd Pruitt, from a Mortification of Spin podcast entitled “Bully in the Pulpit,” speaks out against just the type of leadership that Mark Driscoll has established at his new church.
I challenge those of you attending Driscoll’s newest church in Scottsdale, AZ to ask Mark Driscoll how often the Trinity Church of Scottsdale’s Governing Board meets. Ask him for minutes from their last meeting. You will never see any minutes. In my opinion these men are all frauds; their luxurious lifestyles are financed by the the willing celebrity worshippers sitting in their pews, foolishly handing their hard earned cash over to these charlatans. They are just like Washington politicians voting themselves raises, but they do it in the name of God.
Finally, below is an audio from October 16, 2014 in which Janet Mefferd interviews Warren Throckmorton shortly after Mark Driscoll resigned from Mars Hill Church.
Phoenix residents – do you really want to get involved in a church led by Mark Driscoll? Don’t repeat Seattle’s mistake!