ARBCA Pastors Once Again in the Middle of a Sexual Abuse Cover-Up

“There is a great and growing need to promote awareness of particular issues within Reformed Baptist churches in America. Sadly there are congregations in America unaware of sin that is going on behind closed doors in their own church, their sister churches or their associational churches. Despite the fact that on paper these churches are supposed to be ruled… Read More »

Thabiti Anyabwile and TGC Have Lost Their Way, Racial Relations Suffer a Setback

“We Await Repentance for Assassinating Dr. King” “My white neighbors and Christian brethren can start by at least saying their parents and grandparents and this country are complicit in murdering a man who only preached love and justice.” “I’m saying the entire society killed Dr. King.” “The Civil Rights leaders standing on the balcony on that dark day pointed not… Read More »