Category Archives: T4G

Wilberforce Weekend Demonstrates it Doesn’t Have to be All About the Money!

On March 30, Matt Schmucker the President and Executive Director of  Gospel Projects  (the non-profit organization of which T4G is a subsidiary) was undoubtedly relieved to announce that “not many of you took up the refund request offer.” The exact number of individuals who did request a refund of their $299 “investment” will likely remain a secret, much… Read More »

Forced Cancellation of T4G Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Has Them On the Verge of Bankruptcy

As you weigh whether to request a refund for your ticket to the cancelled T4G Conference, consider that your ticket in 2018 helped provide the following: $25,000  salary to Mark Dever for two hours of work per week. $62,000 grant to Thabiti Anyabwile’s Anacostia River Church. $247,000 annual salary and other compensation to Matt Schmucker. For further details… Read More »

T4G- When Will the Evangelical Leaders Cancel Their Gospelly Conference?

The world is seemingly going to hell in a hand-basket. The NCAA Basketball Tournaments have been cancelled, the NBA, NHL, and MLB have postponed their seasons, schools across the nation have either cancelled classes or are conducting classes on-line, companies are telling employees to work from home as the Stock Market crashes, restaurants are closing, Disneyland has closed,… Read More »