The “Scariest Song” from SGM

This is a guest post from Janna L. Chan Earlier, Todd featured a post about the new book, by accused pedophile-enabler Marty Machowski, The Ology. Apparently Sovereign Grace Ministires has released a children’s music album as a companion item to The Ology. And without further ado, I present a song from that album entitled, “The Scariest Song.” [bandcamp width=100% height=120… Read More »

Janet Mefferd Cuts to the Heart of the Matter

I included this video in an article I wrote about a year ago. Since then there have been many new visitors to this blog and most of them have never heard this program by Janet Mefferd. Mefferd does a masterful job of sorting through all the facts of the Sovereign Grace Ministries/Sovereign Grace Churches sexual abuse scandal, presenting… Read More »

C.J. Mahaney – Doing the Hard Work of Sermon Preparation?

  “For a long time I have been convinced that I could take a person with a high school education, give him or her a six-month trade school training, and provide a pastor who would be satisfactory to any discriminating American congregation. The curriculum would consist of four courses. Course I: Creative Plagiarism. I would put you in… Read More »