Tag Archives: Sovereigb Grace Ministries

Sovereign Grace Churches Releases Another Sketchy Statement

“Let me be clear about this: I have never conspired to protect a child predator, and I also deny all the claims made against me in the civil suit.” — C.J. Mahaney   On February 13, 2018 Sovereign Grace Churches, undoubtedly reacting to intense heat from the comments Rachael Denhollander made about them, issued its second statement in… Read More »

The Dirty Little Secret About Church Membership Covenants

Today I will once again highlight what, in my opinion, is abuse of church members by heavy-handed authoritarian members of the professional clergy class. Specifically, I am referring to a segment of the professional clergy  who consider themselves to be evangelicals and endorse, support and spread the 9 Marks “gospel.” 9Marx is apparently a highly successful parachurch organization… Read More »

Mohler on Moore: Hypocrisy on Display

Audio recording of the above quote:   Mohler also appeared on CNN to speak about the Moore scandal. Below is the audio from an interview of Mohler by Don Lemon of CNN. You can watch the video here.     Will Rogers summarized my feelings on politicians quite well when he said, “About all I can say for… Read More »