Pamela Palmer Fights For Extending the Statute of Limitations for Victims of Sexual Abuse in Maryland

Pamela Palmer is a friend of mine. Her daughter was sexually abused while attending Covenant Life Church.  At that time Covenant Life Church was the flagship church of Sovereign Grace Ministries.  If you have been following the sexual abuse scandal in Sovereign Grace Ministries, what some have called the largest scandal of its kind in Evangelical Christianity, you… Read More »

Birds of a Feather Flock Together – Loftness Speaks at Mahaney’s Church

“But they knew about the beatings, the rages, the railing, the humiliation. Yet none of them acted to stop that behavior. They just seemed to turn off their consciences. What they would not do themselves, they permitted their pastor to do. Indeed, after charges were brought against Shifflett, he resigned from the church and took about a third… Read More »

Bad News for C.J. Mahaney – Joshua Harris is Coming Clean!

Editor’s Remark: Please note that Joshua Harris has told the Washington Post that he illegally covered up child sexual abuse:   “In an interview, Harris said the isolation of Covenant Life, and of a small cluster of churches of which it was a part, may have fed leadership mistakes, including the decision of pastors — himself among them… Read More »