Tag Archives: C.J. Mahaney

Matthew Hall Joins the Hall of Shame

Matthew Hall has just become a member of my Hall of Shame. To become a member doesn’t require much, simply accept an invitation from Dr. Humility (C.J. Mahaney) to speak at Mahaney’s run-away church plant which meets at the Marriott Hotel in Louisville. It’s not that tough to garner an invitation to speak at Mahaney’s church as he… Read More »

Matt B. Redmond Speaks Up For the Victims

“10. This past week I talked very briefly with a parent whose child was sexually abused while a part of SGM. I could hear a hopelessness for any kind of justice this side of eternity. And I ask you to remember the absolute silence of the celebrity pastors  and CJ Mahaney before you share an article by them… Read More »

Janet Mefferd Cuts to the Heart of the Matter

I included this video in an article I wrote about a year ago. Since then there have been many new visitors to this blog and most of them have never heard this program by Janet Mefferd. Mefferd does a masterful job of sorting through all the facts of the Sovereign Grace Ministries/Sovereign Grace Churches sexual abuse scandal, presenting… Read More »