Tag Archives: CJ Mahaney

A Scoffer’s Review of T4G 2018

  T4G 2018 is now history. CJ Mahaney, undoubtedly under pressure from his gospelly buddies, once again withdrew from the conference, just as he was forced to do in 2014.  It appears the T4G crew learned something from their 2014 public relations disaster – Mahaney was not only not sitting in the front row, he was nowhere to… Read More »

Russell Moore Says Evangelicalism is in a Time of Great Peril Because of Bill Hybels – Still No Mention of CJ Mahaney

  Russell Moore is correct – American evangelicalism is in a time of great peril.  Moore is a little late to the parade, it seems he hasn’t noticed any problems with Sovereign Grace Churches, nor the numerous other scandals in the evangelical world, but then Sovereign Grace Churches unexplainably continues to enjoy the approval of Mark Dever and… Read More »

Mahaney Withdraws From T4G Conference; Yet Neither He Nor His Colleagues “Get It”

CJ Mahaney has withdrawn from the 2018 T4G conference. This due in large part from the spotlight Rachael Denhollander has shined on Sovereign Grace Churches (SGC, formerly Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM)). Additional heat was applied by The Washington Post and Fox television, among others. When the flame got sufficiently hot CJ’s stalwart supporters, Mark, Lig, and Al (as… Read More »