The following post was written by Todd Wilhelm and posted by his assistant Janna L. Chan, as Todd is presently on vacation.
More great fruit from Sovereign Grace Ministries. Gene Emerson, the former senior pastor at Kingsway Church in Richmond, VA was nabbed in a sting operation for soliciting a prostitute. He was one of Mahaney’s trusted lieutenants, a loyal enabler of Mahaney and participated in covering up sexual abuse of children in Sovereign Grace churches. Sovereign Grace leadership has remained silent about this latest travesty although they are most likely coaching the new 27-year-old senior pastor on the intricacies of deceit, obfuscation and cover-up. (Perhaps they will make this a mandatory course in their 9-month pastor’s “college.”)
Meanwhile, Chad Mahaney, the 22 year old son of C.J. Mahaney, has recently been busted for driving under the influence. Chad is working as an intern at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Undoubtedly that job was bestowed on him by Al Mohler, president of SBTS and good friend of the “Ceej.” While I am not one to hold a father responsible for the acts of their adult children, Sovereign Grace has de-gifted men in the past for lesser sins of their children. Will Sovereign Grace de-gift Mahaney or continue their double standard?
It would also be reasonable to think SBTS supporters would not want Chad Mahaney working for their Seminary in any capacity.
A question for my pastor friends like John Folmar of United Christian Church of Dubai: are you still insistent on distributing Mahaney’s books? Why? Trust me, there will be further public revelations of the total corruption of the Sovereign Grace denomination forthcoming. Your continuing support of Mahaney will prove more an embarrassment and lack of discerment than John Piper’s support of Mark Driscoll.