Why Does Christian Liberty Academy Support Convicted Felon Thomas Chantry?

Why would Christian Liberty Academy want to insert themselves into the Thomas Chantry child abuse case? Why would CLA Superintendent Philip Bennett claim Chantry was a “model teacher” as recently as September 25, 2018, in an interview with the Arlington Heights Daily Herald? Bennett knew at this date that Chantry had been convicted of two felony counts of… Read More »

Sovereign Grace Pastors Trey & Rich Richardson Support ARBCA Couple Who Burned Infant Child in Their Care, No Concern for Victim or Wishes of Adoptive Couple

Two weeks ago I wrote an article titled “ARBCA Insider John Giarizzo is Caught Lying, Admits ARBCA Cover-up Yet Manages to Keep Job.” At the end of the article, I commented on the relationship between Giarrizzo’s church – Grace Covenant Church – and Sovereign Grace Church of Gilbert. (A church I was formerly a member of.). You may recall that… Read More »

Spirit Church of Bartlesville, OK Doesn’t Want to Hear the Inconvenient Truth About VOM

As background information to this story, I would recommend readers check out my original stories, “Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Funded Abuse of Nigerian Orphans” published April 24, 2017, and “Voice of the Martyrs Attempts Damage Control” published May 4, 2017. Additionally, I would recommend reading “A Personal Testimony Regarding Volunteering and Working at VOM” published on May… Read More »