Hi Folks, Todd is live blogging the trial. There’s an update to this post here: What I Learned at the Evidentiary Hearing for Thomas Chantry (Edit made 07/20/2018)
“I’ve done something I can’t recover from.”
-Pastor Thomas Chantry to Eric Owens, Elder at Miller Valley Baptist Church.
Source – Prescott Police Investigation Report
Thomas Chantry was arrested in December, 2016 and charged with five counts of molestation of a child and two counts of aggravated assault with serious physical injury. He was jailed, without an option of posting bond, for about six months. Chantry’s attorney successfully filed a motion allowing Chantry to post bond and get out of jail, although severe restrictions were placed on Chantry. Chantry was the pastor at Christ Reformed Baptist Church in Hales Corners, WI at the time of his arrest. The alleged abuse took place at Miller Valley Baptist Church in Prescott, AZ.
Chantry’s trial has been scheduled and cancelled on three occassions. The latest schedule for the case is as follows:
July 19, 2018 – Evidentiary hearing @ 8:00 A.M.
July 24-27, 2018 – Trial by jury – all sessions begin @ 9:00 A.M.
July 31-August 3, 2018 – Trial by jury – all sessions begin @ 9:00 A.M.
August 7-10, 2018 – Trial by jury – all sessions begin @ 9:00 A.M.
In the past Chantry’s trial was scheduled for one week. The Clerk of Court could not give me an explanation why there are now three weeks scheduled. My thought is that the parties involved had scheduling conflicts so three separate weeks were blocked in for the trial and one of the weeks will be selected for the trial at the Evidentiary Hearing on July 19th.
I will have further updates as they become available.