This is my third post about Anthony Moore. The first post is titled “It Takes a (9Marx) Village” and the second post is titled “Cedarville University Professor Reportedly Fired From The Village Church For Sexually Abusing a Male Subordinate.”
You will recall that Moore was fired from his position of Lead Pastor at the Fort Worth Campus of The Village Church for what Senior Pastor Matt Chandler described as “grievous immoral actions against an adult member.”
I learned a few days ago that the “adult member” was a male subordinate staff member of The Village Church and a “good friend” of Anthony Moore.
Yesterday I learned from a credible source that Anthony Moore had secretly installed surveillance cameras to capture video of his friend in the nude!
You will also recall that Matt Chandler made the announcement of Moore’s firing to The Village Church members during a Sunday Morning service on January 22, 2017.
I was told Paige Patterson, the President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, had been advised of the cause of Anthony Moore’s removal from The Village Church. Nonetheless, Patterson subsequently provided a home on the campus of SWBTS for Moore and his family to live in either for free or at a greatly reduced rate.
My research appears to verify this account. Moore sold his home in April 2017.
Moore then moved to a home on the campus of SWBTS in May 2017.
Anthony Moore was hired at Cedarville University and moved to Cedarville, OH in August of 2017.
Thomas White, President of Cedarville University and a good friend of Moore’s, is likely the individual directly responsible for hiring Moore. Reportedly White knew of (what I believe to be) Moore’s criminal voyeurism conducted while Moore was lead pastor at the Fort Worth campus of The Village Church, but White believed Moore could be worked with and restored to the ministry!
You will recall that Matt Chandler, in his statement to The Village Church members said: “We want to make it abundantly clear that we believe he [Moore] is unfit for ministry at this time including speaking engagements at conferences or other churches… We believe he is in need of deep healing and strong counseling for an extended period of time.”
I’m an uneducated member of the working class who sat in front of a radar scope for 35 years and kept aircraft from scraping paint, but it strikes me as unwise to place a man who allegedly (Do I need to say “allegedly” since Moore “acknowledged his sin” to The Village Church leaders?) takes videos of naked men in a job where he is surrounded by young men every day in his classroom; and if that isn’t enough, Moore is also an assistant coach of the men’s basketball team!
That’s akin to giving a recovering alcoholic a job in a tavern.
But hey, Dr. Thomas White and his cast of other highly educated Ph.D.’s apparently know better than this dolt. (Only reinforcing in my mind that spending the first 30 years of your life in school is no guarantee of possessing a lick of common sense.)
I really get bothered when I see a double standard applied, and I see this happen among the clergy class more often than anywhere else. The hiring of Moore six months after being discovered to be a sicko voyeur with a penchant for young men by Thomas White is outrageous! If the Cedarville Board of Trustees are principled, ethical men they will surely investigate this matter and do the right thing.
I would like to point out again that Thomas White is a 9Marx disciple. Below is a photo of him with Mark Dever on a panel discussion at a 9Marx “First Five Years” Conference. It’s a conference where seasoned “men of Gawd” share their vast wealth of knowledge with men who have been in the ministry for five years or less. With men like White as featured speakers, I don’t hold out much hope for the 9Marx boys!
As I have mentioned in previous posts, Cedarville University is a target-rich environment for 9Marx leaders to recruit future men to further their brand of Christianity. Cedarville hosts a yearly 9Marx conference and 9Marx leaders drop in to speak at the daily mandatory Chapel services throughout the academic year.
All this to say that there can be no question Thomas White is abundantly clear on what the biblical requirements for an Elder are. I see no way he could, with a clear conscience, say that Moore meets these requirements. Yet Moore is teaching theology and preaching classes and as recently as March 8, 2020, preached a sermon at the church where he is a member – Grace Baptist Church of Cedarville.
Below is a screenshot of some qualifications for being an elder taken from a 9Marx book, just in case White is a little foggy on this issue:
Lord willing, tomorrow I will publish another article illustrating the blatant hypocrisy displayed by Dr. Thomas White and Cedarville University
Stay tuned!