Does Albert Mohler Compromise His Ethics to Keep Wealthy Donors Happy?

  “A giant has fallen in Israel. The death of Dr. Duke K. McCall reminds us of the lengthened shadow one man can cast over a great denomination.  He, along with Drs. W.A. Criswell and Herschel H. Hobbs, brought the Southern Baptist Convention into the modern age.” Dr. Albert Mohler, speaking after the death of Dr. Duke K.… Read More »

At Prosecutor’s Request, Judge Dismisses Sexual Abuse Case Against Former ARBCA Pastor Thomas Chantry

Previously convicted on two counts of  aggravated assault of a child under the age of fifteen and four counts of sexual molestation of a child, former Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America (ARBCA) pastor Thomas Chantry was facing another trial on nine felony counts –  four counts of sexual molestation of a child, four counts of aggravated… Read More »

Sovereign Grace is a Pariah-Churches Fleeing Denomination or Changing Their Name

Happy All Hallows Eve my friends! Seven years ago news of corruption within the Sovereign Grace denomination began leaking out to the public. In what some have called “American evangelicalism’s biggest sex scandal to date” the public shock and outrage over the sexual abuse of children within the denomination and the attempted coverup by church officials have slowly… Read More »