Tom Chantry’s Jailhouse Conversation with ARBCA Pastor David Dykstra

  Below is an audio recording of a conversation which took place between convicted child molester Tom Chantry and his good friend, co-author of an extremely divisive book, and ARBCA pastor David Dykstra on May 28, 2019. The two men discuss Grace Baptist Church in Carlisle, PA.  They likely knew Carlisle would be withdrawing from ARBCA. Apparently, Dykstra… Read More »

Chantry Legally Declared Indigent – Is Al Huber Tapped Out?

ARBCA pastor and Chantry’s father-in-law, Al Huber has, up to this point bank-rolled the defense of Chantry. I do not know the total amount of money Huber has flushed down the Chantry toilet, but the sum is significant. John Sears, Chantry’s attorney for the first trial, retired at the conclusion of the trial. I am sure Huber significantly… Read More »