Free Grace Baptist Church of Silverdale, WA Resigns From ARBCA, Calls on Leadership to Humbly Examine Themselves

  “The heart is naturally hard, and grows harder by custom in sin, especially by long abuse of mercy, neglect of the means of grace, and resisting the spirit of grace.” -Richard Baxter   I just learned today of yet another church that has resigned from ARBCA. Free Grace Baptist Church of Silverdale, WA voted on January 6th… Read More »

Chantry Legacy Continues – Free Grace Baptist Church of Chilliwack, B.C. Resigns From ARBCA

In the weekly newsletter dated January 8, 2019, ARBCA asked for prayer for its church plants and their respective sponsoring churches. In a letter dated January 16, 2019, Free Grace Baptist Church of Chilliwack, B.C. informed ARBCA they were resigning from ARBCA and that their church plant in Surrey, B.C. would not be pursuing membership in ARBCA. I… Read More »