DeYoung and pals Mark Dever, C.J. Mahaney, Bob Kauflin and Ligon Duncan taking their gospel show on the road to South Africa in 2013.

In an early attempt to revive the sagging professional career of C.J. Mahaney, DeYoung and his fellow celebrities test the waters in a series of conferences in South Africa.
Crazy Busy Kevin DeYoung recently found time in his overloaded schedule to write a short article for the Ligonier website titled “Stop the Revolution. Join the Plodders.” (Ironical, in that just a few years ago DeYoung seemed to be encouraging revolution; but it’s all a matter of perspective- one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. Or plodder.)
Crazy Busy Kevin DeYoung, apparently worried over the increasing exodus of his generation from his brand of institutional religion, figured he’d better do $omething to $tem the diminishing flow of ca$h, and the $ource of that ca$h. The result is a propaganda piece in which DeYoung attempts to shame the revolutionairies into sitting down, shutting up, and enjoying the plod ride.
In response to DeYoung’s article, Bojidar Marinov has written an outstanding piece. I felt this article worthy of wide dissemination so I asked for, and received, permission from Mr. Marinov to reprint his article. To read the original piece at Marinov’s blog site, “Axe to the Root,” you can go to this link.