“Lies and secrets, Tessa, they are like a cancer in the soul. They eat away what is good and leave only destruction behind.”
-Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince
In April 2017 the ARBCA, feeling the heat from numerous bloggers (here, here, here and here) who presented credible evidence that they had covered-up the sexual abuse and physical assault of children by ARBCA pastor Thomas Chantry, published the document below. While ARBCA leadership clings to their false claim of no cover-up by the ARBCA, irrefutable evidence continues to mount which puts to flight the lies contained in their published document. (It should be noted that this document seems to have disappeared from the ARBCA website.)
Let me shed some light on the document above. The bold, italicized paragraphs below are from the ARBCA document. My comments and evidence follow each of the bold paragraphs.
“All parties agreed to the three men who would serve on the Council. Those who served in this capacity were men of integrity, elders in their respective churches, trusted in the association, and had considerable experience in the fields of law, counseling, and law enforcement.”
This three-member panel consisted of Mike McKnight, Pastor Tedd Tripp, and Pastor Richard Jensen.
Mike McKnight was an elder at Grace Baptist Church of Carlisle, PA. The pastor of Grace Baptist was Walter Chantry, father of Tom Chantry. Walter Chantry was reportedly very upset with McKnight because of the report of the investigative committee.
Pastor Tedd Tripp was the pastor of the Grace Fellowship Church in Hazelton, PA. Tripp and his brother Paul David Tripp have authored several books and are well known in evangelical circles, holding frequent seminars.
Pastor Richard Jensen is the pastor of Hope Reformed Baptist Church in Long Island, NY. Prior to serving as a pastor, Jensen was a homicide detective.
“Contrary to the recent false charges made by internet bloggers and others, from 1995 to this day there has never been a cover-up whatsoever by anyone in the Association with knowledge of these events.”
I attended an Evidentiary Hearing for the upcoming Thomas Chantry trial yesterday. One item that came out in the hearing was the fact that the ARBCA investigative three-man committee published a “sealed, confidential” report of their findings. This document was not meant for wide distribution but was intended for ARBCA leadership’s eyes only. This document stated that the spankings administered by Thomas Chantry to the victims were “punishing for the personal pleasure” of Thomas Chantry. The parents of the victims were never given this information. The prosecuting attorney, Susan Eazer said that every family stated that if they had been made aware of this information they would have reported Chantry to the Police. Instead of reporting this information to Law Enforcement, leaders of ARBCA chose to remain silent and instead attack the bloggers for “false charges.”
“Everyone has been open, as far as discretion allows, and everyone with knowledge of these events has operated within the parameters of the laws of the land.”
I was recently provided with some information which proves that ARBCA leaders did not operate “within the parameters of the laws of the land.”
Specifically, on June 18, 2017, Thomas Chantry’s attorney, John Sears filed a Motion with the court titled “Motion to Dismiss Counts Six, Seven, and Eight As Barred By the Statute of Limitations and to Declare A.R.S. 13-107 (D) Unconstitutional.”
As you can read in the highlighted section of this motion filed on behalf of Thomas Chantry, the three-man panel of Mike McKnight, Pastor Tedd Tripp, and Pastor Richard Jensen were, (among others) under the law, mandatory reporters of abuse. Further, their failure to report Chantry’s abuse to Law Enforcement was a criminal act! Yet the ARBCA document claims “everyone with knowledge of these events has operated within the parameters of the laws of the land.”
“In short, there has never been any conspiracy on the part of the Association to conceal,”
In response to this, let me simply quote Pastor Jeff Crippen. He withdrew his church from the corrupt ARBCA denomination.
“I have spoken to people who do in fact know the facts about the Chantry coverup. Yes, there was certainly a coverup by ARBCA although most of us had no idea the situation even existed. Those who served on the investigative committee that looked into the allegations at Miller Valley against Chantry VERY MUCH need to come right out in the public view and tell the world that in fact there was a recommendation for the charges against Chantry to be announced to the entire association. If myself and others are wrong about that, then I ask the members of the investigative committee to say so publicly. But I believe you will find that this recommendation was squashed by some of the very same bullying individuals who still hold power in the association.”
-Jeff Crippen
December 27, 2016
Pastor, Christ Reformed Church, Tillamook, OR
Let me also add this audio to further expose the ARBCA cover-up. This is a conversation between Anthony Battaglia and a detective in the Prescott Police Department. Battaglia used to be a deacon in an ARBCA church in Clinton, LA. He was determined to find the truth and then let others know about the corruption within the ARBCA. After he posted information on his website ( ARBCA.org) church leadership “severed” him from membership!
I would encourage any and all to contact leadership in the ARBCA and demand the truth. (Members of ARBCA churches especially need to take action.) Corrupt leaders need to be removed. I will let you in on a little secret – the ARBCA will, at some point, be facing civil lawsuits by people who have been victimized by Thomas Chantry. In my opinion, the lawsuits will be easily won. The ARBCA is a relatively small association of churches and likely will face financial ruin unless good folks in the pews take action.
I sent the email below to Pastor John Miller. He never responded to me and likely never investigated my claim nor told anyone in his congregation the truth.