“The Informal Council members consider this pattern of behavior to be very serious. Taken in its entirety, the question must be raised, did Thomas Chantry use this method of punishment for his own pleasure.”
-Confidential Report and Recommendations of the Informal Council of the Reformed Baptist Churches of America
December 13, 2000 to December 16, 2000
“Defendant used his position as a pastor to prey upon children and their families to fulfill his sadistic sexual desires. He manipulated parents to gain their trust and then tormented their children with threats of God’s wrath, all the while acting in the trusted and highly revered position of their pastor.”
-P1300CR201600966 Miscellaneous Sentencing Memorandum – Prosecution
The brilliant Tom Chantry has done an excellent job of ensuring he receives a lengthy sentence this coming Friday. (See the document immediately below.)
For all who are in the area, the sentencing will be held on Friday, July 19th, beginning at 9:00 A.M. The location is the Yavapai County Superior Court in Camp Verde. It is likely that Karen Chantry, Tom’s wife, and Judy Rogers, Tom’s sister will tell the world what a great and godly man Tom is, and what a great injustice is being done by locking God’s servant up for at least the next ten years. Perhaps we will even get to hear from the great man himself.
Free tip to Chantry’s Defense Attorney – after Tom is convicted at his next trial you may wish to rethink your strategy of including a letter from Judy Rogers’ husband, Mike. He is the guy who got kicked out of the courtroom at the first trial for making quacking sounds as the State’s expert witness walked past him. (See the second document.)
Thomas Chantry Sentencing M… by on Scribd
Thomas Chantry Sentence Mem… by on Scribd