Below is an 18-minute recording sent to me anonymously of John Giarrizzo addressing his church after the church Elders had conducted a thorough examination of Giarrizzo’s role in the coverup of sexual abuse of children by Tom Chantry. The Elders found Giarrizzo had lied and misled them. I suggest listening to the whole recording, but if you don’t have the time, listen to the last 5 minutes where Giarrizzo skirts a direct question and blames the evil bloggers!
I ran across the above Tweet by “Orthodox Radical” yesterday. (Note from the editor: For the benefit of the 9Marx pastor in Dubai who accused me of attempting to deceive individuals with my photoshopped Tweets, yes, I added the photos of Pastors James Renihan, Steve Martin, Earl Blackburn, Don Lindblad, Tom Chantry, David Dykstra, and John Giarrizzo.) All of these men were bigshots in ARBCA.
Tom Chantry, in light of the fact that he is a convicted pedophile currently serving a 4 x 24-year concurrent term, is no longer a pastor. His church building in Hales Corners, WI has been sold and a handful of the deceived moved to New Berlin, WI to continue their worship of the London Baptist Confession of 1689, and occasionally even Jesus Christ! They renamed the church in hopes of keeping potential members from discovering their ugly history if they Googled “Christ Reformed Baptist Church, Hales Corners, WI.” They also removed all references to ARBCA from their website and now have resigned from ARBCA. I suspect their resignation was not over ethical problems with ARBCA (they would have resigned long ago if that were the case) but more of a pragmatic resignation. I suspect the infinitesimal church was receiving financial aid from the shrinking Mothership, but with ARBCA churches now reduced from about 80 at their zenith to 21, they no longer have enough money to prop up the smaller churches in their cult.
His Loftiness, the Right Reverend James M. Renihan, Ph.D., the first President of the ARBCA Seminary, IRBS, is frantically attempting to recruit students to attend his pitiful institution – what he had hoped would be the crown jewel in his life in academia. The Good Doctor Renihan remains in ARBCA, now attending the corrupt Heritage Baptist Church in Mansfield, TX, which, not coincidentally, is also the home of IRBS.
Below is a screen capture of the latest ploy by IRBS to attract students – free tuition for the first year. Of course, there is a catch – the potential scholar must sign a document agreeing to finish his MDiv at the (ahem) “Only Residential and Confessional Reformed Baptist Seminary in the World.” Proving only that if one inserts enough qualifiers prior to “in the World” almost anything can be said to be the only one “in the World!”
A word of caution to any young scholars contemplating a “Confessional. Rigorous. Practical.” education at IRBS. The institute is likely to be non-existent in the next few years, and even if they somehow can find enough deceived individuals willing to donate enough money to keep the institution afloat, an MDiv obtained from IRBS will be about as valuable as a Confederate Dollar bill. Strike that. Confederate Dollar bills may have some worth as a collector’s item, but you get the picture!
Google also seems to be aware of what a joke IRBS is. When one Googles the location of IRBS you get a shot of the trash dumpster located in the rear of Heritage Baptist Church! The only thing missing is the fire in the dumpster!
Continuing across the photos of the ministers who “distribute truth” at the top of this post, from left to right, we come to Steve Martin. Martin, a longtime “heavyweight” in the ARBCA leadership, was the ARBCA coordinator during the trial of the former ARBCA pastor and now convicted pedophile, Thomas Chantry. While I was in attendance at the trial, truthfully recounting the days proceeding in court and displaying factual legal documents on my blog, Martin wrote the following “meditation” to the ARBCA faithful:
This effort to discredit bloggers who were reporting on the Chantry trial appears to have been a coordinated effort by ARBCA leaders. Dale Smith, an ARBCA pastor from Rockford, IL wrote the following to his church members:
Of course, Pastor Smith, also a minister who “distributes truth,” is the senior pastor of a church that has recently resigned from ARBCA. The assistant pastor is Al Huber. Huber is the father-in-law of Tom Chantry and has likely been the chief financier of Chantry’s two trials. Smith and Huber’s church was also responsible for sending Tom Chantry to pastor Christ Reformed Baptist Church in Hales Corners, WI.
Below is a photograph of the 2001 Administrative Council. Smith is pictured on the left. All of these AC distributors of truth undoubtedly knew of Tom Chantry’s abuse of children which took place from 1995-2000 at the Miller Valley Baptist Church in Prescott, AZ. Many of them played key roles in the coverup of Chantry’s crimes. You will notice that several of the men pictured at the top of my post were members of the 2001 AC.

Members of the 2001 ARBCA Administrative Council
Back to Steve Martin. The former ARBCA Administrator now has the demanding job of Dean of IRBS. My guess is there are 5-10 students attending IRBS. Martin and Renihan have a vested interest in keeping IRBS afloat. Where else can one draw such a comfortable salary for the rigorous work of teaching and supervising a handful of young scholars? They have both migrated to “ARBCA Central” – Heritage Baptist Church in Mansfield, TX. Here is a photo of Martin’s new home.
Steve Martin also recently found the time in his busy schedule to “distribute truth” at the retirement service for his good friend and fellow ARBCA heavyweight, Earl Blackburn. In my opinion, Blackburn has served as the point man for many years in ARBCA’s coverup of Tom Chantry’s criminal abuse. Here is a short excerpt from Martin’s speech where he glorifies Blackburn and honors Christ, or is it the other way around! Hard to tell.
Prior to Chantry becoming the pastor at Miller Valley Baptist Church, while Tom was attending Westminster Seminary, he occasionally stayed at Blackburn’s home in southern California and, I am told, babysat Blackburn’s son!
Blackburn has been a close friend of Tom Chantry for years. When Chantry fled Prescott, AZ he first headed to the home of Earl Blackburn in southern California where Chantry complained of “unfair treatment” by the 3-man Informal Council who had investigated his abusive actions. From there Chantry made his way up to Tacoma where he attended Providence Reformed Baptist Church, pastored by Tom Lyon, another good friend of Tom Chantry.
Earl Blackburn sided with Chantry’s version of events that took place at Miller Valley Baptist Church and he sent a manipulative letter to the ARBCA men who had been sent to Prescott to look into the abuse of Chantry. Here is one response to his letter from Tedd Tripp:
Letter From Tripp to Blackb… by Todd Wilhelm on Scribd
Next in line of distributors of truth is pastor Don Lindblad. Lindblad recently withdrew his church in Kirkland, WA from ARBCA. Lindblad’s church was one of the 25 original churches to join ARBCA. Don has been Tom’s friend from way back. He acted as Tom’s “advisor” in the December 2000 investigation into the abuse of children at Miller Valley Baptist Church. He had access to the confidential report submitted by the Informal Council, he was the go-between whenever a victim was attempting to get in contact with Tom, he listened in to a phone conversation between Chantry and one of his victims, writing up notes of the conversation, and he was sent by ARBCA to quell an uprising among the congregation of Christ Reformed Baptist Church in Hales Corners, WI after Chantry had been arrested. Below is what a member in attendance at the meeting wrote.
Devon Berry who, in my opinion, was a quack counselor, pronounced Tom Chantry fit for ministry after four sessions with the pedophile. Berry attended Don Lindblad’s church and was apparently a friend of Don. I have made several phone calls to Berry, now an associate dean in a nursing program and none of them have been answered nor my messages responded to.
Devon Berry Letter Concerni… by Todd Wilhelm on Scribd
Next in line of distributors of truth is pastor David Dykstra. Dykstra is a pastor of Grace Covenant Baptist Church in Willis, TX. He recently announced that he will be transitioning to retirement over the next few years. His church has recently resigned from ARBCA, but, again I don’t believe it was for ethical reasons or they would have resigned long ago. Rather, as you can deduce from the purge of references to ARBCA on their website, it is my belief that Dykstra removed his church from ARBCA simply because it’s difficult enough to recruit new members to a quirky church that seemingly holds the London Baptist Confession of 1689 in higher esteem than the Bible, not to mention what a potential member will find when they Google “ARBCA.” Dykstra, is pictured above in the photo of the 2001 Administrative Council. A long-time leader in ARBCA, Minister Dykstra has co-authored a book with the now-convicted felon and pedophile Tom Chantry and has had access to the reports of Chantry’s abuse of children at Miller Valley Baptist Church from way back.
As one of the ARBCA insiders who was partial to Tom Chantry, Dykstra was given the task of writing a letter of instruction to the three-man Informal Council. Notice the final two paragraphs of the letter. Dykstra was hopeful that after their investigation no further actions would be needed. (Does he mean actions such as reporting Chantry’s crimes to law enforcement? Only Dykstra can answer that question.) Dykstra also is hopeful that the Council’s report will allow Chantry to have a future in the ministry. Why would Dykstra say this? It is probable that he had already heard some reports of what Chantry had been inflicting on children in Miller Valley Baptist Church. It seems to me that an unbiased individual would only be concerned with the truth. He should have urged them to diligently seek the truth and let the chips fall where they may. If this meant Chantry would be judged unfit for ministry, so be it. But no, as this shows, those who held power in ARBCA were intent from the earliest stages of the Chantry scandal to keep him in the ministry!
David Dykstra Letter 0f Dec… by Todd Wilhelm on Scribd
Dykstra attended a few days of Chantry’s first trial and apparently believes Tom is an innocent man, wrongly convicted by a legal system that has gone awry. Below is a jailhouse recording of a phone conversation between Chantry and Dykstra. This occurred after Chantry had been convicted on four counts of sexual molestation of a child.
I have already covered John Giarrizzo’s involvement in the Chantry coverup at the top of this article, but below is the report of the investigation of Giarrizzo by the Elders of his church. Regrettably, Giarrizzo is still the pastor of the church while the Elders and approximately 75% of the members have resigned and moved on to churches where the pastor can be trusted.
GCC Elder Investigation – J… by Todd Wilhelm on Scribd