Tag Archives: CLC

Mahaney Moves to Silence Dissent

  “Nothing can destroy fruitfulness faster than ungodly leadership—men and women who use positions of authority to manipulate and exploit people instead of serving their growth in Christ. This results partly from people who want to lord over others and partly from people who would rather follow a pastor, author, or other influential person than develop their own… Read More »

Mohler Googled Mahaney and Got His Favorite Sports Teams; I Get Something A Bit More Serious!

“C.J., in getting ready to introduce him, I decided I would Google to see if there was anything on the internet about him. (Laughter from the crowd.) And that’s where I discovered, having discovered this on the internet, that C.J. cheers for the Washington Redskins and the Washington Nationals, and against the Dallas Cowboys, the New York Yankees, and… Read More »

Ryan Fullerton of Immanuel Baptist Church of Louisville Supports CJ Mahaney

A lying tongue hates its victims, and flattering words cause ruin. Proverbs 26:28 NLT   I heartily add my own solemn warnings against your pampering the flesh by listening to the praises of the kindest friends you have. They are injudicious, and you must beware of them. A sensible friend who will unsparingly criticize you from week to week… Read More »