Tag Archives: Sexual abuse of children

Day 3 of the Re-trial of Thomas Chantry

“It is a political fight between a group of well-financed, well-organized people whose freedom, livelihood, finances, reputations, or liberty is being threatened by disclosures of child sexual abuse and–on the other hand–a group of well-meaning, ill-organized, underfinanced, and often terribly naive academics who expect fair play.” ― Anna C. Salter “During sexual abuse, children feel and incorporate the… Read More »

ARBCA Pastor Al Huber Posts $250,000 Cash Bond to Free Convicted Felon Tom Chantry From Jail

ARBCA Pastor Al Huber has posted  $250,000 to spring his son-in-law, Tom Chantry from jail.  Convicted felon Tom Chantry has been incarcerated since September 10, 2018 in the Yavapai County jail as he awaits two trials. The first trial is scheduled to begin April 23, 2019 and is a retrial on 4 counts of molestation of a child.… Read More »

Spirit Church of Bartlesville, OK Doesn’t Want to Hear the Inconvenient Truth About VOM

As background information to this story, I would recommend readers check out my original stories, “Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Funded Abuse of Nigerian Orphans” published April 24, 2017, and “Voice of the Martyrs Attempts Damage Control” published May 4, 2017. Additionally, I would recommend reading “A Personal Testimony Regarding Volunteering and Working at VOM” published on May… Read More »