See the full story here.
“The determination to keep these controversies quiet has led to a culture of silence among Reformed Baptists, and evil thrives in such silence.”
Tom Chantry, “Holding Communion Together”
“Our movement has been torn apart by schisms, and the largest schism involves one group of churches which holds that no action or decision of a local church ought to be subject to external scrutiny. The challenges to the presumptive historian are thus huge…Part of the reason for this is that we live in a day of moderate growth of Reformed Baptist churches––but also of explosive growth of Calvinism.”
Tom Chantry, “Holding Communion Together”
“Oh, my friends!” cried Elmer, “do you believe in my innocence, in the fiendishness of my accusers? Reassure me with a hallelujah!”
The church thundered with the triumphant hallelujah, and in a sacred silence Elmer prayed:
“O Lord, thou hast stooped from thy mighty throne and rescued thy servant from the assault of the mercenaries of Satan! Mostly we thank thee because thus we can go on doing thy work, and thine alone! Not less but more zealously shall we seek utter purity and the prayer-life, and rejoice in freedom from all temptations!”
He turned to include the choir, and for the first time he saw that there was a new singer, a girl with charming ankles and lively eyes, with whom he would certainly have to become well acquainted. But the thought was so swift that it did not interrupt the pæan of his prayer:
“Let me count this day, Lord, as the beginning of a new and more vigorous life, as the beginning of a crusade for complete morality and the domination of the Christian church through all the land. Dear Lord, thy work is but begun! We shall yet make these United States a moral nation!”
“Elmer Gantry” by Sinclair Lewis
In what can only be described as sad news, I must report that Reformed Baptist pastor Tom Chantry has been indicted on five counts of sexually molesting children and two counts of aggravated assault with serious physical injury. Our hearts go out to the victims, Chantry’s wife and three sons, and his parents. Chantry’s father, Walter P. Chantry is well known and respected among Reformed Christian circles.
See the complete blog article here.
Below is an interesting article which appeared in the SGM Survivors blog several years ago. The title of the article is “Mystery Solved?” and it has gone a long way in solving a mystery for me. That mystery is why so many celebrities in the Neo-Calvinst camp have so stridently defended C.J. Mahaney. You will recall that Mahaney is credibly charged with covering-up the sexual abuse of children in the denomination which he previously was the head of. Well, guess what? Indicted child molester, Tom Chantry was a vocal defender of Mahaney and Sovereign Grace! A case of birds of a feather flock together? I wonder how many other Mahaney cronies are also hiding sexual abuse of children in their closets? It is a very plausible explanation of their fierce loyalty to Mahaney. You can read the entire Pyromaniacs post (referred to in the SGM Survivor post below), along with Tom Chantry’s comments here.
Walter P. Chantry (Tom’s father) served as the pastor at Grace Baptist Church in Carlisle, PA, for nearly forty years. He has authored numerous books, published by Banner of Truth, which can be seen below.
Grace Baptist Church held a yearly summer family conference. In 2012 Tom Chantry was the featured speaker at the conference. Below is a one minute introduction by David Campbell, the current pastor of Grace Baptist Church.
The article below was written one year ago by Tom Chantry. It is ironic in that he wrote of two recently disgraced pastors, Mark Driscoll and Tullian Tchividjian. Chantry has now joined those two. How Chantry deals with this scandal remains to be seen. No word yet on when the criminal trial will begin.
Tom Chantry is currently pastoring Christ Reformed Baptist Church in suburban Milwaukee, WI. On being alerted to Chantry’s indictment on sexual molestation of children charges, I tweeted some information about the story and tagged Chantry in my tweets. It took Chantry about thirty minutes to block me! Sorry Tom, I don’t think you will be able to keep this a secret for long!
Below is evidence that Tom Chantry was the beneficiary of his father’s ties to Banner of Truth.