ARBCA recently published their Summer 2019 newsletter. In this document, seen below, please note that Grace Covenant Baptist Church, located in Willis, Texas and pastored by David Dykstra is still listed as an ARBCA member.
One may rightly wonder how long David Dykstra’s Grace Covenant Baptist Church of Willis Texas will remain a member of ARBCA.
Why do I say that?
Because pastor David Dykstra has quietly been removing references to ARBCA from the website of Grace Covenant Baptist Church.
I submit two examples of this below. On the left are pages from the church’s website in 2017, courtesy of the Wayback Machine. On the right are pages from the church’s website today. You will notice that the references to ARBCA in 2017, which I highlighted in green, no longer exist in today’s version!
What is the reason for purging references to ARBCA from the pages above? Was it an editorial accident? That would be hard to believe.
Is pastor David Dykstra attempting to rid all references to ARBCA from the website of Grace Covenant Baptist Church so that potential visitors who Google the church’s name to find out what type of church it is will not become aware of the fact that Grace Covenant Baptist Church is a member of an association that has covered up the crimes of convicted pedophile Tom Chantry?
This is a distinct possibility.
Or does David Dykstra, like his good friend Tom Chantry, now hold ARBCA in utter contempt for what they deem a lack of support for the convicted pedophile? (An illegal conviction according to Tom Chantry – a sentiment echoed by David Dykstra in his jailhouse phone conversation with Chantry.)
In my opinion, this is the most likely scenario.
David Dykstra, the pastor of Grace Covenant Baptist Church in Willis, Texas has been a long-time leader in the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America (ARBCA). In fact, Dykstra has been one of the ARBCA “insiders” who has conspired since late 2000 to coverup Tom Chantry’s criminal sexual molestation and assault of young children while Chantry was the pastor of Miller Valley Baptist Church in Prescott, AZ. Below are photos of the Administrative Council (AC)from 2000 and 2018.

David Dykstra, ARBCA pastor, attended a few days of Chantry’s first trial. Dykstra co-authored the book “Holding Communion Together” with Chantry. The book proved to be very divisive and sales were minimal.
I did find a few references to ARBCA remaining on the website pages of Grace Covenant Baptist Church. Perhaps the oversight was due to the fact that pastor David Dykstra is a very busy man, what with writing up formal requests to have an elder at another ARBCA church rebuked and all.
Or perhaps David Dykstra, while revising the website, was distracted by a jailhouse phone call from Tom Chantry and he just never got around to completing his task!
And speaking of rebukes, I am no expert on ARBCA disciplinary procedures, but it would seem David Dykstra should be in line for a rebuke for maintaining the myth that Tom Chantry is an innocent man who has been wrongly/illegally convicted.
Below is an audio of a jailhouse conversation between former ARBCA pastor Tom Chantry and his good friend, and current ARBCA pastor, David Dykstra.