Category Archives: Sovereign Grace Ministries

C.J. Mahaney Attempts To Shut the Mouths of His Critics

“Something is wrong my beloved when the Church of Christ just allows this to continue. We are allowing little lambs to be fleeced and slaughtered while those of us who know better are, for the most part, silent. Unless the Body of Christ rises up and starts going after these wolves, we will be just as guilty as… Read More »

Despite Tight Budgets UAE 9Marks Pastors Travel To T4G Conference in USA

    “Every organization should be good stewards with the resources they have but the church needs to be held to an even higher standard since the resources they are given are from the sacrifice of their members.  This is God’s money and we need to never lose sight of that fact.” – Patricia Lotich, “5 Keys to… Read More »

CJ Mahaney: “Pastor-Athlete and Clown of T4G

“Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.” Proverbs 27:2   “Belief is never the point— actions are. We can be of two minds about biology or God but treat everyone around us with kindness.” -Frank Schaeffer, “Why I am an Atheist Who Believes in God: How to give love,… Read More »