Authored by Todd Wilhelm
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
-First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America“The First Amendment to the Constitution protects five basic freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government. These civil liberties are the cornerstone of our democracy.”
I begin this article with a sincere apology to former San Tan Reformed Baptist pastor Frank Urquidez. I assumed he mishandled the Beery’s case. I was wrong. I also apologize to a commenter named “SavedByGrace” a member of the San Tan church, who in the comment section to this article patiently insisted that church leadership handled the case properly. He was right, I was wrong.
This morning I spoke with an individual who also attended the San Tan church and this person confirmed that Urquidez handled the Beery case correctly. I was also informed that the Beerys, contrary to reports found in court documents actually received excellent pastoral care; and loving care and concern from all the church members after their abuse of the infant child in their care became known.
I personally did not need any convincing that pastor Frank Urquidez handled the matter properly after I read the police report which was part of the official court records. ( With the exception of the Beery’s statements, I believe all the information contained in the Police Report.) You can read the report here.
So, again, I apologize to Pastor Frank Urquidez and actually commend his actions as a model for other pastors to emulate when it comes to the correct way to handle child abuse in the church.
It is my understanding that Frank Urquidez is no longer in the ministry. Meanwhile, pastor Rob Holmes returned to John Giarrizzo’s “Grace Covenant Church.” (I recently wrote about the large-scale desertion of pastors, staff, and members from Giarrizzo’s church. You can find that article here. I have checked the GCC website and Rob Holmes has been preaching there. Need I say more?)
Now, on to the subject matter of this blog, specifically the Beerys attempt to silence me by infringing on my First Amendment rights.
Mary and Caleb Beery in happier days.
On Tuesday morning, November 13, 2018, a deputy from the Pinal County Sheriff’s Department came to my house and served me with two Injunctions Against Harassment, one from Caleb Beery and one from Mary Beery. You can view the documents below. The document contained a court order which, among other things, prevented me from “posting or texting on social media regarding the plaintiff.”
Injunction Against Harassme… by on Scribd
Injunction Against Harassme… by on Scribd
I was now effectively guilty until proven innocent! This whole process seems a bit anti-American to me. I didn’t realize that two convicted felons could whine about me writing on my blog about their criminal actions and a Justice of the Peace would then revoke my Constitutional right to free speech until such time as I requested a hearing and got the injunctions dismissed. But such was the case.
Not wasting any time, I proceeded to the Justice Court immediately and requested a hearing. Knowing that the wheels of justice generally turn quite slowly I was pleasantly surprised to be issued a date and time for the hearing right after I turned my paperwork in. My hearing was scheduled for Monday, November 19, 2018.
Fast forward to Monday the 19th and I was surprised to find the Beerys appeared at court in street clothes and unaccompanied by a deputy. They were to have reported to jail to begin their six-month sentence on Sunday, November 11th. Obviously, they had somehow gotten their reporting date pushed back. (More on that later.)
Caleb and Mary wrote the same things on their injunction forms about me. They claimed that I published “false and damaging information about me and the charges filed against me.” In the hearing, Caleb stated they never scalded the baby girl in their care. He maintained their narrative that they “only” spanked the baby girl with a spatula excessively hard. So as I understand it, the Beerys are claiming that the false information I wrote about them and the charges were that they scalded the fourteen-month-old baby girl in their care. Once again I refer the reader to the Police report contained in the Presentence Investigation which is part of the official court record of the Beery case. Please read the highlighted sections below and determine whom you believe – the Beerys or Deputy Lynse, the medical professionals at Banner Ironwood Hospital and Mr. Ryan, the adoptive father of the baby girl whom the Beerys plead guilty of abusing.
As to the “damaging information,” Caleb Beery testified in the hearing that he was fired from his job because of what I wrote on my blog. He said the first thing that comes up when you Google his name are my blog articles. I admit my blog often turns up high on the list when you Google any number of so-called Christians who have abused children but am I really the person to blame? Refresh my memory, did the Beerys not each plead guilty to two counts of Class 6 Felonies of child abuse? I make the best effort I can to be factual in my reporting and take much time and effort to conduct research. Again, I just listed above a document which has two versions of what happened to the baby in the care of the Beerys. Who are you going to believe?
Allow me to add some further evidence that would seem to impeach the trustworthiness of the Beerys version of events. Below is a screenshot of a court document filed by Bruce Feder, the attorney for Mary Beery.
Would it be more reasonable to believe that the prejudicial photographs of the baby girl’s injuries resulted from spanking her with a spatula or dipping her bottom in scalding hot water? Does anyone know of a person scared for life from receiving a spanking with a spatula?
Additionally, I was told today by a former member of the now-defunct San Tan Reformed Baptist Church that the Beerys never once allowed a nursery worker to change the diaper of the baby girl in their care. Why not? I believe the answer is evident. So does the individual whom I talked to. This same individual told me the Beerys initially repeatedly stated to San Tan Reformed Baptist Church members that they would not plead guilty to the charges because they were innocent, but once they realized that the State had photographic evidence of the injuries to the infant girl provided by the Department of Child Safety they changed their tune. Suddenly the claims of innocence ceased, and obviously, the Beerys plead guilty to the charges they once claimed they were innocent of.
As to it being my fault that Caleb Beery lost his job, well that sure seems to contradict what many of the Beerys supporters wrote in their letters to the Judge. For example, Trey Richardson, in his original letter of support which he has now retracted, wrote:
“While at the same time they have always taken full responsibility for their past actions with her, and not directed blame to anyone else in this.”
Uhm, yeah, not so much.
Beerys are supposed to be allowed to participate in the work release program while serving their six-month jail sentence. (Rather tough to do when you don’t have a job!) Below are what Pinal County requires from inmates who request to participate in the program. Notice what the employer is required to provide. What boss, when asked to provide this information is not going to exhibit a normal amount of curiosity and do a little checking into what exactly it is that has landed his employee in jail?
Further, what employer is going to want a felon who plead guilty to two counts of child abuse on the payroll? But yeah, it’s my fault that Caleb lost his job.
The bottom line is my faith in the American justice system was somewhat restored, the injunctions against me were dismissed. (I say somewhat because here are the laws on what is supposed to take place prior to an injunction against harassment is issued. I can say some of these requirements were not met.)
Dismissal of Injunctions Ag… by on Scribd
Meanwhile, as I suspected, the Beerys have been granted a delay in their reporting date to the Pinal County Jail. I imagine Caleb is having a tough time finding work as a convicted felon, a task not made any easier by the fact that his new employer would have to put up with the restrictions placed on the jail-bird by the work release program. I think of the poor baby girl scared for life by the Beerys and I don’t have much sympathy for the Beerys.
The Beery’s hearing is on Friday, December 7, 2018 at 1:30 P.M. at the Superior County Courthouse in Florence, AZ. Here’s hoping the Judge determines he has cut the Beerys enough slack and sends them straight to jail to serve their 180 day sentences. Just remember, when they have completed their sentences the scarred buttocks of the infant girl the Beerys abused will not have faded.