Tag Archives: Rich Richardson

Sovereign Grace Pastors Trey & Rich Richardson Support ARBCA Couple Who Burned Infant Child in Their Care, No Concern for Victim or Wishes of Adoptive Couple

Two weeks ago I wrote an article titled “ARBCA Insider John Giarizzo is Caught Lying, Admits ARBCA Cover-up Yet Manages to Keep Job.” At the end of the article, I commented on the relationship between Giarrizzo’s church – Grace Covenant Church – and Sovereign Grace Church of Gilbert. (A church I was formerly a member of.). You may recall that… Read More »

Sovereign Grace Gilbert – Things Have Changed

I returned to my home in Arizona this summer for a 3-week respite from the heat of Dubai.  In keeping with my penchant for self-flagellation and in the spirit of the church covenant of my former church, United Christian Church of Dubai, which states: “We will, when we move from this place, as soon as possible unite with… Read More »

Rick Holland Joins the Hall of Shame

    It has been nearly two years since I wrote an article about seven celebrity pastors who made their way to C.J. Mahaney’s runaway church plant in Louisville, KY.  These men all delivered sermons at Mahaney’s church – apparently happy to utilize their celebrity status in an attempt to bolster the severely listing ship of Sovereign Grace… Read More »