Having plead guilty of two counts of Class 6 Felonies of child abuse on October 15th, 2018, Mary and Caleb Beery were supposed to have reported to the Pinal County Jail on Sunday, November 12th. They then asked for and received a delay and had a hearing scheduled for December 7, 2018. On December 6, 2018, the Court received yet another request for a delay in the hearing scheduled for December 7. Judge Stephen McCarville, on December 7, granted this request and so ordered it. The legal documentation may be viewed below. Another hearing has now been scheduled for January 24, 2019. If there are no further delays granted it appears the Beerys will have delayed their date to report to the Pinal County Jail by about three months.
On November 19, 2018, I attended a hearing which I had requested before Justice of the Peace Brett Eisele. The purpose of this hearing was to get the two “Injunctions Against Harassment” the Beerys filed against me dismissed. (The Injunctions were dismissed.) At the hearing, Caleb Beery testified that because of what I had written about him on my blog, he was fired from his job. Beerys have both hoped to participate in the work release program during their 6- month jail sentences, the only problem is Caleb, and perhaps Mary (who claims to work from her home) fail to meet the requirements for the program, specifically, you need to have a job. Apparently, once you are a convicted felon it is not an easy task to obtain work, especially when you inform your prospective employer of numerous restrictions that will be placed upon you because you will be in jail for six months.
In the most recent document submitted by Attorney Craig Gillespie on behalf of Defendant Caleb Beery, Gillespie states:
“The parties discussed different options to resolve the current impediment to the two defendants’ ability to participate in the county jail’s work release program.
Following the conference call, undersigned Counsel spoke with Craig Cameron and Rodney States in the Civil Division of the Pinal County Attorney’s Office. Mr States represents the jail and stated he would confer with the appropriate parties at the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office and Mr. Ahl in an effort to help indentify a possible solution to the work release impediment.”
Caleb Beery’s Sentencing Document states:
“IT IS ORDERED that the Defendant be incarcerated in the Pinal County Jail for a period of 180 days (FLAT) commencing November 12, 2018 with credit for zero (0) days served.
“Respondent/Defendant is eligible for work release provided that he/she meets the Sheriff Department’s Work Release Program requirements.”
Admittedly I am no expert in matters of the law, but it appears evident to me that the Beerys are eligible for work release provided they meet the program requirements. It would appear the Beerys do not meet the requirements, therefore they should report to jail and begin serving their 6-month sentence without being able to participate in the Work Release program. Case closed. Judge McCarville has been very gracious in twice allowing delays for the Beerys to report to jail. I hope Judge McCarville will grant no further delays to the felony child abusers.
2018-12-7 Caleb Beery Motio… by on Scribd
2018-12-7 Mary Beery Motion… by on Scribd
Of interest is another recently added file to the Beery case. This file is titled “DPS Disposition Report” and it is “sealed” which means it is unavailable to the public. One can only speculate as to what the report contains, but it is likely that it has sensitive information about the infant victim the Beerys abused.
What I hope everyone reading this considers is that while our two felons who each pleaded guilty to two counts of Class 6 Felonies of child abuse are granted delay after delay in reporting to jail, there remains an infant girl who has “burn scars that will be there the rest of her days because they couldn’t handle a child crying.” Who is speaking for her?
Justice delayed is justice denied!