Category Archives: Child Abuse

Caleb and Mary Beery Unsuccessfully Attempt To Silence Author of “Thou Art The Man”

Authored by Todd Wilhelm I begin this article with a sincere apology to former San Tan Reformed Baptist pastor Frank Urquidez. I assumed he mishandled the Beery’s case. I was wrong. I also apologize to a commenter named “SavedByGrace”  a member of the San Tan church, who in the comment section to this article patiently insisted that church… Read More »

Sovereign Grace Gilbert Pastors No Longer Supporting Convicted Felons!

On October 19, 2018, I wrote an article in which I took my former pastors of Sovereign Grace Church of Gilbert to task for writing positive letters of support for convicted child abusers, Caleb, and Mary Beery.  Pastors Trey and Rich Richardson only knew the Beerys for a few weeks but had no qualms endorsing the felons for… Read More »