• Pedophiles have a strong, almost irresistible, desire to have sex with children. The average pedophile molests 260 victims during their lifetime. Over 90% of convicted pedophiles are arrested again for the same offense after their release from prison.
What is the profile of a child molester? An average child molester will offend 200–400 times before being caught, if ever. The vast majority of offenders do not get caught, and they have no criminal records. According to the FBI, only one out of ten cases of child sexual abuse is reported to law enforcement.
Any real Christian will by nature detest Chantry for the minion of Satan he is. Those who refuse to do so are at best allies of evil and more likely fellow minions of darkness themselves. ARBCA has been overrun by enemies of Christ for years now.
-Jeff Crippen, Pastor of Christ Reformation Church, Tillamook, Oregon. Author of A Cry for Justice and Unholy Charade.

Tom Lyon, ARBCA Pastor of Providence Reformed Baptist Church and enabler of Thomas Chantry.
Prior to Tom Chantry going to MVBC, Tom was a member at TRBC [Trinity Reformed Baptist Church ] while Earl Blackburn was pastoring the church. While at TRBC, Tom taught a Sunday school class all alone with his favorite aged kids in a little room just he and the kids. The kids in Tom’s class didn’t like him. I remember one boy (now an adult) saying Tom was “weird” and gave him “the creeps.” For awhile (not sure if it was while he was attending seminary in Escondido or right after) he lived at Earl [Blackburn] and Debbie’s house and at times would babysit their son (who was 10-12 years old at the time) when they would go on vacation.
The scenario above is eerily similar to the situation that played out once Chantry left Trinity Reformed Baptist Church for Miller Valley Baptist Church. A reasonable person should rightly question if children were abused while Chantry worked among children at Trinity Reformed Baptist Church – a member church of ARBCA.
Below are letters written by the parents of Victims and a Victim himself. These letters were written in 2000 and made available to the ARBCA Informal Council when they traveled to Miller Valley Baptist Church to conduct their investigation into the despicable and savage abuses carried out by convicted felon Thomas Chantry. Miller Valley was a member of ARBCA at the time, but they withdrew from the ARBCA Association after Chantry successfully obtained membership in ARBCA for his new church, Christ Reformed Baptist Church of Hales Corners, WI. Miller Valley Baptist Church strongly argued against allowing Chantry’s church into ARBCA, but their pleas to ARBCA leadership fell on deaf ears.
Chantry Case – Letter From … by on Scribd
Chantry – Letter From Mothe… by on Scribd
Chantry – Letter From Victi… by on Scribd
Letter From Mother of Chant… by on Scribd
Letter From Father of Victi… by on Scribd
Below is a document containing a police report from the Arlington Heights Police Department. Tom Chantry was teaching 5th and 6th grade at Christian Liberty Academy and somehow got hold of a 5 year old child and spanked him so severly that he still had marks 2 days later when his parents were interviewed by the police. I am told that there were at least four or five similar incidents that took place while Chantry was teaching at Christian Liberty Academy. It should be mentioned that Walter Chantry, the father of Tom Chantry, was good friends with Philip Bennet, the Headmaster of Christian Liberty Academy. Philip Bennett has now been promoted to Superintendent and his son, Thad Bennett has taken over the duties of Headmaster. I have been told that one of Philip Bennett’s sons is married to one of Thomas Chantry’s sisters. I have not been able to verify this. Local media need to investigate this story. Walter Chantry reportedly spoke numerous times at the Christian Liberty Academy chapel service and he has also spoken at least four times at the affiliated church. Christian Liberty Academy featured an article on their website by Thomas Chantry in 2011 (it has now been removed) and Thomas Chantry spoke at the graduation ceremony in. 2012!
2004 Police Report of Thoma… by on Scribd
If you have been a victim of abuse by convicted felon Thomas Chantry, or if you know someone who has been victimized by him I urge you to contact Susan Eazer at the Yavapai County District Attorney’s office.(Details below.) If you are hesitant to do that you can email me at [email protected] and I will forward your complaint to Ms. Eazer.